KU PA 270330 - 10 A
This product comes from Alaris Kuhne catalogues

Power amplifier, 2700 ... 3300 MHz, 10W

KU PA 270330 - 10 A

Based on GaN HEMT technology, the amplifier module achieves typical energy efficiencies of 48% over the entire 2700-3300MHz bandwidth at 10W output power. The amplifier features high gain (37dB) and a gain ripple of typically +/- 2dB across the full bandwidth. The module provides a monitoring output for monitoring of forward power. The power supply input features protection against reverse polarity and overvoltage.

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Frequency range 2700..3300 MHz
Maximum input power +10 dBm
Output power P3dB min. 40 dBm (CW)
Gain (small signal) typ. 40 dB, min. 37 dB
Gain flatness (small signal) typ. +/- 2 dB
Harmonic rejection typ. 22 dB @ 40 dBm
Efficiency typ. 48 % @ 40 dBm (CW)
ON voltage +5 ... 14 V DC
Supply voltage +27 ... 29 V DC
Quiescent current typ. 300 mA
Forward detection yes (diode detector)
Operating case temp. range -20 ... +55 degrees C
Dimensions (mm) 78 x 41 x 22 mm
Weight 120 g (typ.)

    Product Applications

  • Secure Communications
  • Point-to-point Communications
  • Repeaters, extenders and boosters
  • Point-to-multipoint Communications
  • Low probability of interception
  • Broadcast
  • Digital
  • Wireless backhaul
  • High Power

    Design Features

  • GaN technology
    High efficiency
    Reverse polarity protection
    Monitor output for forward power detection (DC voltage)
    Logic ON / OFF control (ON at +5 ... 14 V DC)