This product comes from Alaris Linwave catalogues

Gunn Diode DC1279F-T94


Gallium Arsenide graded gap Gunn diode assembled in custom package for fundamental mode of operation at 94GHz.

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Gain ripple full band 4dB p-p
Spurious Outputs (Signal related in band -60dBc
Spurious Outputs (LO leakage -45dBc

    Product Applications

    Test and Measurement

    Design Features

  • Excellent ‘cold start’ performance at -40°C Low change in frequency with temperature Customised dF/dV specification available Low FM noise Increased efficiency compared with other GaAs Gunn devices Hermetic packaging Range of output powers; customised specification available Proven high reliability Repeatable performance in standard cavities Variety of reliability assurance testing available All products 100% millimetre-wave tested