High Power Steerable Beam Antenna for Band IV


The SBA4450XB is a high power Steerable Beam Antenna that is particularly suitable for tactical communication applications (UHF band IV). The antenna beam can be switched by remote control to achieve optimal gain to the desired direction and to avoid interference from unwanted directions (LPI/LPD). The antenna provides up to 20 sharp beams with a minimum of 20-degree beamwidth to cover the full 360-degree horizontal area. In addition to these sharp beams the antenna can also provide wider beams.

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Frequency Range 4.4 - 5.0 GHz
Power rating 100 W
Gain 15 dBi
Weight 4.1 Kg

    Product Applications

  • Secure Communications
  • Point-to-point Communications
  • Point-to-multipoint Communications
  • Low probability of interception

    Design Features

  • Steerable Beam Antenna